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How we tackled fake Pink Lady's using Laava fingerprint technology.



Laava could not be more excited to announce that #LaavaSmartFingerprints will feature on Pink Lady® apples imported into China from Chile, New Zealand and the USA in a project collaboration with Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) and James Tyler. Providing industry leadership and commercial advancement, APAL is the national representative for Australia’s $600 million apple and pear industry, and the owner of the Pink Lady® brand in over 100 countries. Pink Lady® is a brand worth protecting - only 3 apple varieties are licensed to be Pink Lady® branded, and the quality is strictly controlled.

This truly global project will see Laava-protected packages of Pink Lady® apples sold in China via the retail giant Hema - further cementing Laava Smart Fingerprints as #theglobalmarkoftrust. Laava Smart Fingerprints will: 🍎 enable the authentication of the apples as genuine Pink Lady®. 🍎 provide a unique #digitalstorytelling opportunity, to strengthen the connection between consumers in China and the global Pink Lady® brand - in both English and Mandarin. 🍎 be scanned from both our web scanner AND the WeChat app - used every day in China by 1 billion+ people. Thank you to Coregeo for providing their global marketing expertise and Aussie Indians Digital for results screens design and development.


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